Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Traditional Bavarian Brunch

We were invited on Sunday to a brunch at the flat of Dr. Karin Rosskopf, one of my colleagues at Siemens. This was listed as a tradition Bavarian brunch, which was comprised of Cake and Sausages. She and her husband just purchased an investment flat in Munich (she actually tried to rent it to Deborah and I last time I was here) and she was holding this brunch in the almost completed flat. That is Karin on the left, in her slippers.

We had been staying at the Marriott in the Schwabing neighborhood, and took the U-Bahn to get to the brunch. Here you see Deborah at the Nordfriedhof U6 U-Bahn stop in Munich. As you might expect, the subway system is clean and very reliable. I challenge you to find a piece of litter on the ground. Oh, and yes, if the schedule says the subway arrives at 10 past, well then it will.
We met Peter Sass at the Karlspaltz tram station and took the above ground tram to Karin’s flat. Peter and I have worked on this project for the past 1 ½ years and he will finish up and move on now so this was most likely his last visit to Munich. This is a picture of Peter and Deborah in the flat.

The party was composed of three main groups of people: Karin’s German speaking friends, Karin’s business associates, and her family. We met a number of people at the party, all of whom were very friendly and helpful.  In the picture below we met Susanne (red shirt) and Juergen (blue sweater on the right) both of whom are lawyers and both of whom were very friendly. It turns out Juergen works less than 2 blocks from where I do at Siemens and he spent time in Philadelphia studying (for what I never asked). He had also completed a trip completely around the US when he was young and that provided a lot of conversation during the afternoon. We are hoping to meet them again and have lunch sometime.

We spent close to 3 or 4 hours at the brunch and afterwards Deb and I headed into town towards Kalrsplatz, which is one of the main plazas in Munich.  Upon arriving we came across a very orderly protest, although I am not sure we fully understood what it was all about. Something to do with illegal music downloads I think. Not that the police lead the protest and are interspersed throughout the event. You can also see Deb in front of one of the 4 main gates into the old town of Munich. This is Karlstor. Finally, I included an image of another cute water fountain on the way into the city center.

We then went for a quick bite to eat in the old town area. See the photo of Deb near the Frauekirsche in the background. We then ran across this little booth near Marienplatz that sold chocolates. Note that it is really a little car, and be sure to see to special touch of a chandelier in the booth! After taking her picture I had to buy a little apple-chocolate for 1 euro.

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